Stop and think before voting for a sheriff

Posted 7/15/24

Years ago I wrote several articles referring to our Sheriff’s Department, City Police Department...

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Stop and think before voting for a sheriff


OKEECHOBEE — Years ago I wrote several articles referring to our Sheriff’s Department, City Police Department, County Commissioners, City Counsel and Fire & Rescue Department. We are truly blessed to have such dedicated men/women serving.

Today, we must stop and think who we vote for in the up and coming election for sheriff. And old saying “don’t break the fence if it is not broken.” Our present Sheriff Noel Stephen worked his way through the ranks learning from the best. For example, our past Sheriff, Paul May. Noel learned what works and what doesn’t to keep our community safe and has learned well. Just recently the Okeechobee Sheriff’s Department, through hard work from the top down, earned a difficult State Accreditation on Law Enforcement for this Community. It is a difficult Accreditation and they did it. You can NOT be a mediocre police department to earn such. Our community should be proud of their achievement.

Now, I want you to listen to what the opponents are suggesting. These are not my words, they are Jon’s, who spoke at a Republican dinner meeting. Jon wants to have more community involvement by having the sheriffs meet to inform the community what is going on and what is being spent. We have an excellent Citizen On Patrol unit who are the extra eyes and voice for the Sheriff’s Department. You see them throughout the community speaking to folks about their concerns that get passed on to the sheriff. The Sheriff’s Department also has a Community Advisory Board. Do we need another board?

The second opponent, Steve, again not my words but his, who also spoke at that Republican dinner meeting. Steve says he has nothing bad to say. Really?

“When I’m Sheriff there will be no deputy sitting under a tree, no tinted windows, and they will have their windows down at all times while riding around the community. I’m going to stop the drugs.”

Take a dealer off a corner and another appears. Raid one house then another opens. Our sheriff’s department and city police have done an excellent job in going after drug dealers. We live in a great community and I can feel safe as my family walks our streets. Perfect? No.

When a police officer puts on their uniform and badge to go to work, he/she becomes a target and pray they return home after their shifts. With no tinted windows or windows down makes them an easier target. I have a heavy foot and have been stopped. When you think that deputy is not paying attention because they are under a tree, think again. That’s when the radar gets you. So much for someone thinking they are loafing.

Can any sheriff or city police department be perfect? Do we want outsiders coming in “breaking the fence” when our sheriff’s department just recently proved their performance in keeping our community safe by earning their accreditation. Let’s keep Noel Stephen and his leadership in place. I’m a very strong supporter of our men/women who keep us safe everyday.

voting, sheriff

