Good qualified people to run our government

Letter to the Editor

Posted 7/15/24

Political elections, what a quagmire! I can remember a time, when campaigns were run...

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Good qualified people to run our government

Letter to the Editor


Political elections, what a quagmire! I can remember a time, when campaigns were run much more smoothly and seemingly more honestly. Political candidates at one time could speak to their opponents in an intelligent and much less disparaging way. A political race has now become more like a smear campaign. The candidates don’t play by the rules. All they seem to want to do is to see who can smudge each other’s personality the most, so they can keep their power and their station.

Is this what Americans really want? Some may, but I can assure you that I don’t! It used to be “May the best man (woman) win.” Turns out now, it is May the person who has the most money win. When you really think about it, is it men and women who want control and power over the people they rule that we want as leaders or is it men and women who have integrity, honesty, character and who really care about the American people? How fast we have forgotten the rules and basic political behavior spelled out in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. I know there are good candidates out there and some that are really trying to win back the hearts of the American people, who still hold true to the rules of integrity and moral character, but I feel they are far surpassed by too many selfish, immature and characterless persons.

Do you really fell like your government cares about you? They waste our money, cut back on our social security which we now have to fight for to keep. Taxes and soaring prices for basic needs are out of sight. They don’t seem to be concerned about letting illegal aliens come into our country on a daily basis. And it just gets better! I say this with tongue in cheek. Who could even imagine that one day, our school children would be “encouraged” to participate in “Gender Identity.” “I can be any sex I want to be.” First of all God created only two sexes, man and woman. Secondly no one will ever be able to turn one sex into another, no matter how much surgical science is used. A man will always be different from a woman and vice-versa. There will always be physical and psychological distinctions in each of the individual sexes. Only God can be God, to try to play God is simply impossible and foolish.

There are so man other things going on, we all know. The big question is “Are we going to sit back and allow this kind of government to continue to rule us? Or will we together take a stand for what is right, just and reasonable.

In our “Declaration of Independence” it states “We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name and Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States...” How soon we forget. I think that our political leaders should take a keener look at these two documents. Let us pray to God also that we can find good qualified people to run our government; people who care more about its citizens than about themselves.

political, elections, candidates

